Little Growers are pleased to announce a new round of schools to be set up with Little Growers projects and horticultural equipment in the coming weeks. We have now selected the six schools and liaised with the staff to establish what equipment will best compliment each school’s circumstances and what will best suit the children to be involved. We will be sending out the equipment in the next week so watch this space for updates and photographs of our six new school projects! 1) St John The Baptist Primary School, Sussex Visit this school St John’s are extremely keen to establish a growing project for their students, we have been working with Jill the eco club teacher to arrange what set up would best suit the school. St John’s will receive a polytunnel equipped with irrigation systems, pots, liquid feed, seeds and Little Growers learning resources along with an AQUA box to irrigate one of their raised beds. They can then begin their growing project with all the necessary tools they require. 4) Gellifaelog Primary School, Merthyr Tydfil Visit this school Gellifaelog is a Development Trust school, we introduced their work in the last newsletter. We are extremely excited about working with this school to gain a truly embedded horticultural project. We will be providing the school with a polytunnel equipped with irrigation systems, pots, liquid feed, seeds and Little Growers learning resources. 2) Petersgate Infant School, Hampshire Visit this school Petersgate already have ten raised beds and a greenhouse, however they lack an efficient watering system and maintenance of their current planting areas. Little Growers are therefore providing them with 11 2 Pot Extension kits for their greenhouse and 3 AQUAboxes to irrigate their raised beds. The irrigation equipment will allow the children to grow a range of plants that will be fully supported with sufficient water and liquid feed over the summer holidays, ensuring the children return from the summer break with their well nurtured crops healthy and full of life. 5) Hurst Lodge, Surrey Visit this school Hurst Lodge are establishing an exciting smallholding scheme at the school that will have chickens, ducks and other livestock alongside a sustainable play area and tree house. Little Growers are working with Hurst Lodge to provide the horticultural aspect of their smallholding project. The Eden project will also be involved with Eden members visiting and supporting the school throughout the project. Little Growers’ longstanding sponsor; AutoPot have had a live exhibit at Eden for some years now so we are extremely excited about collaborating with both Eden and Hurst Lodge. The school has keen aims for the smallholding project and Little Growers scheme to become a core part of cross curricular learning providing the children with a hands on and memorable learning experience in sustainable living. Hurst Lodge have just ordered a 16x42ft polytunnel which will act as the starting point to their large-scale horticultural project, beginning in September. 3) Bramfield CEVC Primary School, Suffolk Visit this school Bramfield is an Eastfeast school, as we mentioned in the last newsletter Little Growers are working in collaboration with EastFeast, to run a pilot scheme. By collaborating with Eastfeast schools Little Growers are aiming to increase the amount the schools and children can gain from their horticultural project. If we are successful with Local Food funding we will work in further partnership with Eastfeast to set up Little Growers projects at more of their schools across East Anglia. 6) Bagshot School, Surrey Visit this school Bagshot school currently have two raised beds and are eager to expand their growing capabilities in school. The head teacher, Jane contacted Little Growers as a result of her husband using the AutoPot irrigation systems at home. Heather will be visiting Bagshot school to discuss where is the best place within the grounds for the Little Growers equipment, with the aim of providing Bagshot with a full polytunnel set up in the coming weeks. |