AutoPot is the long standing and proud sponsor of Little Growers who have been working alongside us since Little Growers began. The irrigation systems used in all Little Growers schools are provided by AutoPot. AutoPot are specialists in self-watering systems, with emphasis being strongly placed on efficiency and preservation. AutoPot provides Little Growers with irrigation systems that are considered the most environmentally friendly in the world. The systems ensure this claim as the plant uses everything that is supplied to it; there is no loss of water, run-off or leakage. The systems used in schools require NO POWER, PUMPS, MAINS WATER PRESSURE OR TIMERS to operate, GRAVITY PRESSURE IS ALL THAT?S NEEDED from a tank or water butt. This ensures health and safety regulations for our projects are easily met within schools as the Little Growers set up requires no electricity or pumps.
The systems are undoubtedly some of the simplest to use and can be left unattended for weeks due to the capability of the AQUAvalve to deliver all that is required by the plant. This unique feature of the AutoPot watering systems is perfect for use in schools as it means that over the holidays the plants the children have spent all term caring for are watered and fed whilst they are away. This is a common problem in horticultural projects in schools, as often plants that have been well tendered during school time will perish during the holidays. Little Growers is proud to have overcome this problem by utilising AutoPot’s highly acclaimed irrigation technology. The partnership of Little Growers and AutoPot is therefore unique and we are extremely proud to be working alongside one of the most water efficient irrigation companies in the world.
More information on AutoPot systems can be found by visiting their website.