Oldfield Park Infants School

Here is an update from Oldfield Park Infants School in Bath.

Our poly tunnel has been a great addition to our growing area in school and the fact that it is self watering invaluable to get us over the annual problem of the summer holidays.

We have grown the following in the tunnel

  • – 10 tomato plants in an assortment of varieties which have all produced abundant fruit.
  • – 2 x butternut squash
  • – Aubergines
  • – 2 varieties of cucumber producing numerous fruit
  • – Various chillis and peppers

All the plants have been successful and the fruit and veg have been used by

the school cook and either included in recipes or cut up and served as side dishes.

The children are far more inclined to try new things when they have grown the themselves.

The poly tunnel complements our other beds which have produced huge onions, sweetcorn, French beans, garlic, raspberries and strawberries.

We would appreciate any advice re what to grow in the tunnel during the winter months.

Jo Claridge


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